Group Therapy

Group Therapy

“The power of the group is unlike any other therapeutic experience.  Watching a group become a cohesive unit is what makes the work so special.”

Jennifer provides group therapy for various individualized populations.  Jennifer offers gender specific groups, age specific groups and issue specific groups.  Group therapy is the ideal place to provide yourself with a mirror of reflection. More often than not, clients are able to see in others what they simply cannot or will not see in themselves.  When in group therapy, one often discovers the solution to the problems they were unaware they were struggling with. It is a place where relationship building begins, communication skills are built and ego strength is grown.

Jennifer is currently facilitating a weekly recovery group consisting of adults, mixed gender with a range of 30 days to 3 years in recovery.  The focus of this group is on the early trials and tribulations of recovery and how to utilize the coping skills needed to maintain a long term healthy recovery program.

You are not alone and group therapy is the beginning of discovering the support most need but do not believe is available.

Group Therapy - Jennifer Lorey, LCSW, CEDS

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